





1. Peng, R., 2019. Optimal component allocation in a multi-state system with hierarchical performance sharing groups. Journal of the Operational Research Society 70 (4), 581-587.(ABS三星,SCI, SSCI双检索)

2. Peng, R., Xiao, H., Gao, J., Lin, C., 2020. Optimal defense of a distributed data storage system against hackers’attacks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 197,106790.(ABS三星)

3. Yang, L., Peng, R., Li, G., Lee, C., 2020. Operations management of wind farms integrating multiple impacts of wind conditions and resource constraints. Energy Conversion and Management 205 (1), 112162.(中科院一区)

4. Zhai, Q., Peng, R., Zhuang, J., 2020. Defender-Attacker Games with Asymmetric Player Utilities. Risk Analysis. Forthcoming. (ABS四星)

5. Yang, L., Ye, Z.S., Lee, C.G., Yang, S.F., Peng, R.*, 2019. A two-phase preventive maintenance policy considering imperfect repair and postponed replacement. European Journal of Operational Research 274(3),966-977.(ABS四星)

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