
教 授(含研究员)


发布时间:2021年09月30日 作者:


学习和工作简历:2012年8月-2014年8月,美国普渡大学环境与生态工程系访问学者。2015年获得北京交通大学管理科学与工程系博士学位。2015年7月-2017年5月,任北京工业大学管工系讲师;2017年6月起,任北京工业大学管工系副教授。其后2017年9月-2019年8月,在美国波士顿大学物理系做博士后,导师为美国科学院院士H. Eugene Stanley教授,并在哈佛大学访学。2020年7月起,任北京工业大学管工系教授。


学术论文:以第一作者/通讯作者的身份在Omega、Applied Energy、Resources Conservation and Recycling、Ecological Economics、Transportation Research Part A/D、《系统工程理论与实践》等国内外重要学术期刊上发表相关论文70余篇,其中SCI/SSCI收录论文50余篇,4篇入选ESI高被引论文。研究成果被Science、Nature、Nature Communication、One earth、美国众议院科学委员会等期刊和报告引用。代表性论文:

1.Pezhman Ghadimi, Oisin Donnelly, Kubra Sar,Chao Wang*, and Amir Hossein Azadnia,“The successful implementation of industry 4.0 in manufacturing: An analysis and prioritization of risks in Irish industry”,Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2022. 175: 121394.ABS三星期刊

2.Xiongping Yue, Dong Mu*,Chao Wang*, Huanyu Ren, and Pezhman Ghadimi. “Topological structure and COVID-19 related risk propagation in TFT-LCD supply networks.”International Journal of Production Research. 2022: 1-21.

3.ChaoWang, Xia Huang, Xiaoqian Hu*, Longfeng Zhao, Chao Liu, and Pezhman Ghadimi*, “Trade characteristics, competition patterns and COVID-19 related shock propagation in the global solar photovoltaic cell trade”,Applied Energy. 2021. 290: 116744.

4.Pei Liu,Chao Wang*, Jingci Xie, Dong Mu, and Ming K Lim, “Towards green port-hinterland transportation: Coordinating railway and road infrastructure in Shandong Province, China”,Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 2021. 94:102806.

5.Xiaoqian Hu,Chao Wang*, Xiangyu Zhu, Cuiyou Yao, Ming K Lim, and and Pezhman Ghadimi*, “Trade structure and risk transmission in the international automotive Li-ion batteries trade”,Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2021. 170:105591.

6.Chao Wang, Ming K Lim*, Xinyi Zhang, Longfeng Zhao, and Paul Tae-Woo Lee, “Railway and road infrastructure in the Belt and Road Initiative countries: Estimating the impact of transport infrastructure on economic growth”,Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2020. 134: 288-307.ABS三星期刊2021年ESI高被引论文

7.Chao Wang, Ming K Lim*, Longfeng Zhao, Ming-Lang Tseng, Chen-Fu Chien, and Benjamin Lev, “The evolution ofOmega-The International Journal of Management Scienceover the past 40 years: A bibliometric overview”,Omega-The International Journal of Management Science. 2020. 93: 102098.

8.Chao Wang, Longfeng Zhao*, Ming K Lim, Wei-Qiang Chen, and John W. Sutherland, “Structural Evolution of Global Plastic Waste Trade Network and the Impact of China’s Import Ban”,Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2020. 153:104591.2020年ESI高被引论文

9.Xiaoqian Hu,Chao Wang*, Ming K Lim, and Wei-Qiang Chen, “Characteristics of the Global Copper Raw Materials and Scrap Trade Systems and the Policy Impacts of China’s Import Ban”,Ecological Economics. 2020. 172: 106626.ABS三星期刊

10.Pezhman Ghadimi,Chao Wang*, and Ming K Lim. “Sustainable supply chain modeling and analysis: past debates, present problems and future challenges”.Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2019.40: 72-84.2019年ESI热点论文








·International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience,副主编

·International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications,编委

·Clean Technologies and Recycling,编辑(From2021.01-)

·Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances客座编辑icRs2021

·Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews客座编辑Disruption risks for renewable energy and resources: A cross-sector perspective

·担任Nature Communication、Tourism Management、Transactions on Evolutionary Computation、Computers & Operations Research、Resources, Conservation and Recycling、系统工程理论与实践、计算机集成制造系统、运筹学学报等40多本学术期刊的审稿人
